
Sets an ADDITIONAL function to be called at every method that modified the PETSc options database.


#include "petscsys.h"   
PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsMonitorSet(PetscErrorCode (*monitor)(const char name[], const char value[], PetscOptionSource, void *), void *mctx, PetscErrorCode (*monitordestroy)(void **))

Not Collective

Input Parameters#

  • monitor - pointer to function (if this is NULL, it turns off monitoring

  • mctx - [optional] context for private data for the monitor routine (use NULL if no context is desired)

  • monitordestroy - [optional] routine that frees monitor context (may be NULL)

Calling Sequence of monitor#

PetscErrorCode monitor(const char name[], const char value[], void *mctx)
  • name - option name string

  • value - option value string

  • source - option source

  • mctx - optional monitoring context, as set by PetscOptionsMonitorSet()

Calling Sequence of monitordestroy#

PetscErrorCode monitordestroy(void *cctx)

Options Database Key#

See PetscInitialize() for options related to option database monitoring.


The default is to do nothing. To print the name and value of options being inserted into the database, use PetscOptionsMonitorDefault() as the monitoring routine, with a null monitoring context.

Several different monitoring routines may be set by calling PetscOptionsMonitorSet() multiple times; all will be called in the order in which they were set.

See Also#

PetscOptionsMonitorDefault(), PetscInitialize()





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