
Puts a heading before listing any more published options. Used, for example, in KSPSetFromOptions_GMRES(). Logically Collective on the communicator passed in PetscOptionsBegin()

Input Parameter#

  • head - the heading text


Handles errors directly, hence does not return an error code

Must be between a PetscOptionsBegin() and a PetscOptionsEnd(), and PetscOptionsObject created in PetscOptionsBegin() should be the first argument

Must be followed by a call to PetscOptionsHeadEnd() in the same function.

See Also#

PetscOptionsGetInt(), PetscOptionsGetReal(), PetscOptionsHasName(), PetscOptionsGetIntArray(), PetscOptionsGetRealArray(), PetscOptionsBool(), PetscOptionsName(), PetscOptionsBegin(), PetscOptionsEnd(), PetscOptionsHeadBegin(), PetscOptionsStringArray(), PetscOptionsRealArray(), PetscOptionsScalar(), PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin(), PetscOptionsBoolGroup(), PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd(), PetscOptionsFList(), PetscOptionsEList() @*/ #define PetscOptionsHeadBegin(PetscOptionsObject, head)
do {
if (PetscOptionsObject->printhelp && PetscOptionsObject->count == 1 && !PetscOptionsObject->alreadyprinted) PetscCall((*PetscHelpPrintf)(PetscOptionsObject->comm, ” %s\n”, head));
} while (0)

#define PetscOptionsHead(…) PETSC_DEPRECATED_MACRO(“GCC warning “Use PetscOptionsHeadBegin() (since version 3.18)””) PetscOptionsHeadBegin(VA_ARGS)

/*MC PetscOptionsHeadEnd - Ends a section of options begun with PetscOptionsHeadBegin() See, for example, KSPSetFromOptions_GMRES().


#include <petscoptions.h>
PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsHeadEnd(void)

Collective on the comm used in PetscOptionsBegin() or obj used in PetscObjectOptionsBegin()


Must be between a PetscOptionsBegin() or PetscObjectOptionsBegin() and a PetscOptionsEnd()

Must be preceded by a call to PetscOptionsHeadBegin() in the same function.

This needs to be used only if the code below PetscOptionsHeadEnd() can be run ONLY once. See, for example, PCSetFromOptions_Composite(). This is a return(0) in it for early exit from the function.

This is only for use with the PETSc options GUI

See Also#

PetscOptionsGetInt(), PetscOptionsGetReal(), PetscOptionsHasName(), PetscOptionsGetIntArray(), PetscOptionsGetRealArray(), PetscOptionsBool(), PetscOptionsName(), PetscOptionsBegin(), PetscOptionsEnd(), PetscOptionsHeadBegin(), PetscOptionsStringArray(), PetscOptionsRealArray(), PetscOptionsScalar(), PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin(), PetscOptionsBoolGroup(), PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd(), PetscOptionsFList(), PetscOptionsEList(), PetscOptionsEnum()







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