
Gets the name of the “tmp” directory, often this is /tmp


PetscErrorCode PetscGetTmp(MPI_Comm comm, char dir[], size_t len)


Input Parameters#

  • comm - MPI_Communicator that may share tmp

  • len - length of string to hold name

Output Parameter#

  • dir - directory name

Options Database Keys#

  • -shared_tmp - indicates the directory is known to be shared among the MPI processes

  • -not_shared_tmp - indicates the directory is known to be not shared among the MPI processes

  • -tmp tmpdir - name of the directory you wish to use as tmp

Environmental Variables#

  • PETSC_SHARED_TMP - indicates the directory is known to be shared among the MPI processes

  • PETSC_NOT_SHARED_TMP - indicates the directory is known to be not shared among the MPI processes

  • PETSC_TMP - name of the directory you wish to use as tmp

See Also#

PetscSharedTmp(), PetscSharedWorkingDirectory(), PetscGetWorkingDirectory(), PetscGetHomeDirectory()





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