
Get authorization and refresh token for accessing Box drive from PETSc


PetscErrorCode PetscBoxAuthorize(MPI_Comm comm, char access_token[], char refresh_token[], size_t tokensize)

Not Collective, only the first rank in MPI_Comm does anything

Input Parameters#

  • comm - the MPI communicator

  • tokensize - size of the token arrays

Output Parameters#

  • access_token - can be used with PetscBoxUpload() for this one session

  • refresh_token - can be used for ever to obtain new access_tokens with PetscBoxRefresh(), guard this like a password it gives access to your Box Drive


This call requires stdout and stdin access from process 0 on the MPI communicator

You can run src/sys/webclient/tutorials/boxobtainrefreshtoken to get a refresh token and then in the future pass it to PETSc programs with -box_refresh_token XXX

This requires PETSc be installed using --with-saws or --download-saws

Requires the user have created a self-signed ssl certificate with

    saws/  -newcert  (using the passphrase of password)
    cat newkey.pem newcert.pem > sslclient.pem

and put the resulting file in either the current directory (with the application) or in the home directory. This seems kind of silly but it was all I could figure out.

See Also#

PetscBoxRefresh(), PetscBoxUpload(), PetscURLShorten()







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