
Error handler that calls abort on error. This routine is very useful when running in the debugger, because the user can look directly at the stack frames and the variables.


#include "petscsys.h" 
PetscErrorCode PetscAbortErrorHandler(MPI_Comm comm, int line, const char *fun, const char *file, PetscErrorCode n, PetscErrorType p, const char *mess, void *ctx)

Not Collective

Input Parameters#

  • comm - communicator over which error occurred

  • line - the line number of the error (indicated by LINE)

  • file - the file in which the error was detected (indicated by FILE)

  • mess - an error text string, usually just printed to the screen

  • n - the generic error number

  • p - specific error number

  • ctx - error handler context

Options Database Keys#

  • -on_error_abort - Activates aborting when an error is encountered

  • -start_in_debugger [noxterm,dbx,xxgdb] [- display name] - Starts all processes in the debugger and uses PetscAbortErrorHandler(). By default the debugger is gdb; alternatives are dbx and xxgdb.


Ussers do not directly employ this routine

Use PetscPushErrorHandler() to set the desired error handler. The currently available PETSc error handlers include PetscTraceBackErrorHandler(), PetscAttachDebuggerErrorHandler(), and PetscAbortErrorHandler().

See Also#

PetscError(), PetscPushErrorHandler(), PetscPopErrorHander(), PetscTraceBackErrorHandler(), PetscAttachDebuggerErrorHandler(), PetscMPIAbortErrorHandler(), PetscReturnErrorHandler(), PetscEmacsClientErrorHandler()





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