
Returns the gradients from the TSAdjointSolve()


#include "petscts.h"  
PetscErrorCode TSGetCostHessianProducts(TS ts, PetscInt *numcost, Vec **lambda2, Vec **mu2, Vec *dir)

Not Collective, but vectors returned are parallel if TS is parallel

Input Parameter#

Output Parameters#

  • numcost - number of cost functions

  • lambda2 - Hessian-vector product with respect to the initial condition variables, the dimension and parallel layout of these vectors is the same as the ODE solution vector

  • mu2 - Hessian-vector product with respect to the parameters, the number of entries in these vectors is the same as the number of parameters

  • dir - the direction vector that are multiplied with the Hessian of the cost functions

See Also#

TS: Scalable ODE and DAE Solvers, TSAdjointSolve(), TSSetCostHessianProducts()





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