
Start timer for device


#include "petscsys.h"   
PetscErrorCode PetscLogGpuTimeBegin(void)


When CUDA or HIP is enabled, the timer is run on the GPU, it is a separate logging of time devoted to GPU computations (excluding kernel launch times).

When CUDA or HIP is not available, the timer is run on the CPU, it is a separate logging of time devoted to GPU computations (including kernel launch times).

There is no need to call WaitForCUDA() or WaitForHIP() between PetscLogGpuTimeBegin() and PetscLogGpuTimeEnd()

This timer should NOT include times for data transfers between the GPU and CPU, nor setup actions such as allocating space.

The regular logging captures the time for data transfers and any CPU activities during the event

It is used to compute the flop rate on the GPU as it is actively engaged in running a kernel.

Developer Notes#

The GPU event timer captures the execution time of all the kernels launched in the default stream by the CPU between PetscLogGpuTimeBegin() and PetsLogGpuTimeEnd().

PetscLogGpuTimeBegin() and PetsLogGpuTimeEnd() insert the begin and end events into the default stream (stream 0). The device will record a time stamp for the event when it reaches that event in the stream. The function xxxEventSynchronize() is called in PetsLogGpuTimeEnd() to block CPU execution, but not continued GPU execution, until the timer event is recorded.

See Also#

Profiling, PetscLogView(), PetscLogGpuFlops(), PetscLogGpuTimeEnd(), PetscLogGpuTime()





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