
Sets the flag for dof ordering, PETSC_TRUE for point major, otherwise it will be field major


#include "petscsection.h"   
PetscErrorCode PetscSectionSetPointMajor(PetscSection s, PetscBool pm)

Not Collective

Input Parameters#

  • s - the PetscSection

  • pm - the flag for point major ordering


Field-major order is not recommended unless you are managing the entire problem yourself, since many higher-level functions in PETSc depend on point-major order.

Point major order means the degrees of freedom are stored as follows

    all the degrees of freedom for each point are stored contiquously, one point after another (respecting a permutation set with `PetscSectionSetPermutation()`)
    for each point
       the degrees of freedom for each field (starting with the unnamed default field) are listed in order by field

Field major order means the degrees of freedom are stored as follows

    all degrees of freedom for each field (including the unnamed default field) are stored contiquously, one field after another
    for each field (started with unnamed default field)
      the degrees of freedom for each point are listed in order by point (respecting a permutation set with `PetscSectionSetPermutation()`)

See Also#

PetscSection, PetscSection, PetscSectionGetPointMajor(), PetscSectionSetPermutation()





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