
Gets the subdomains supported on this MPI rank for the PCGASM additive Schwarz preconditioner.


#include "petscpc.h" 
PetscErrorCode PCGASMGetSubdomains(PC pc, PetscInt *n, IS *iis[], IS *ois[])

Not Collective

Input Parameter#

  • pc - the preconditioner context

Output Parameters#

  • n - the number of subdomains for this MPI rank (default value = 1)

  • iis - the index sets that define the inner subdomains (without overlap) supported on this rank (can be NULL)

  • ois - the index sets that define the outer subdomains (with overlap) supported on this rank (can be NULL)


The user is responsible for destroying the ISs and freeing the returned arrays, this can be done with PCGASMDestroySubdomains()

The IS numbering is in the parallel, global numbering of the vector.

See Also#

PCGASM, PCGASMSetOverlap(), PCGASMGetSubKSP(), PCGASMCreateSubdomains2D(), PCGASMSetSubdomains(), PCGASMGetSubmatrices(), PCGASMDestroySubdomains()





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