
Sets the function to use for computing the Jacobian.


#include "petscmat.h" 
PetscErrorCode MatFDColoringSetFunction(MatFDColoring matfd, PetscErrorCode (*f)(void), void *fctx)

Logically Collective

Input Parameters#

  • coloring - the coloring context

  • f - the function

  • fctx - the optional user-defined function context

Calling sequence with SNES of f#

PetscErrorCode f(SNES snes, Vec in, Vec out, void *fctx)
  • snes - the nonlinear solver SNES object

  • in - the location where the Jacobian is to be computed

  • out - the location to put the computed function value

  • fctx - the function context

Calling sequence without SNES of f#

PetscErrorCode f(void *dummy, Vec in, Vec out, void *fctx)
  • dummy - an unused parameter

  • in - the location where the Jacobian is to be computed

  • out - the location to put the computed function value

  • fctx - the function context


This function is usually used automatically by SNES (when one uses SNESSetJacobian() with the argument SNESComputeJacobianDefaultColor()) and only needs to be used by someone computing a matrix via coloring directly by calling MatFDColoringApply()

Fortran Note#

In Fortran you must call MatFDColoringSetFunction() for a coloring object to be used without SNES or within the SNES solvers.

See Also#

Mat, MatFDColoring, MatFDColoringCreate(), MatFDColoringGetFunction(), MatFDColoringSetFromOptions()







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