
Compute the pullback matrix for k-forms under a linear transformation


#include "petscdt.h" 
PetscErrorCode PetscDTAltVPullbackMatrix(PetscInt N, PetscInt M, const PetscReal *L, PetscInt k, PetscReal *Lstar)

Input Parameters#

  • N - the dimension of the origin vector space of the linear transformation, N >= 0

  • M - the dimension of the image vector space of the linear transformation, M >= 0

  • L - a linear transformation, an [M x N] matrix in row-major format

  • k - the signed degree k of the |k|-forms on which Lstar acts, -(min(M,N)) <= k <= min(M,N). A negative form degree indicates that the pullback should be conjugated by the Hodge star operator (see note in PetscDTAltvPullback())

Output Parameter#

  • Lstar - the pullback matrix, an [(N choose |k|) x (M choose |k|)] matrix in row-major format such that Lstar * w = L^* w

See Also#

PetscDTAltV, PetscDTAltVPullback(), PetscDTAltVStar()





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