
duplicate a DMSTAG object without setting it up


PetscErrorCode DMStagDuplicateWithoutSetup(DM dm, MPI_Comm comm, DM *newdm)


Input Parameters#

  • dm - The original DM object

  • comm - the MPI communicator for the new DM (MPI_COMM_NULL to use the same communicator as dm)

Output Parameter#

  • newdm - The new DM object

Developer Notes#

Copies over all of the state for a DMSTAG object, except that which is populated during DMSetUp(). This function is used within (all) other functions that require an un-setup clone, which is common when duplicating, coarsening, refining, or creating compatible DMs with different fields. For this reason it also accepts an MPI communicator as an argument (though note that at the time of this writing, implementations of DMCoarsen() and DMRefine() don’t usually seem to respect their “comm” arguments). This function could be pushed up to the general DM API (and perhaps given a different name).

This is an internal function but we provide a man page in case it’s made public

See Also#

DMSTAG: Staggered, Structured Grid, DMSTAG, DM, DMClone(), DMStagCreateCompatibleDMStag(), DMCoarsen(), DMRefine()





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