"stag" - A DM object representing a “staggered grid” or a structured cell complex.


This implementation parallels the DMDA implementation in many ways, but allows degrees of freedom to be associated with all “strata” in a logically-rectangular grid.

Each stratum can be characterized by the dimension of the entities (“points”, to borrow the DMPLEX terminology), from 0- to 3-dimensional.

In some cases this numbering is used directly, for example with DMStagGetDOF(). To allow easier reading and to some extent more similar code between different-dimensional implementations of the same problem, we associate canonical names for each type of point, for each dimension of DMStag.

  • 1-dimensional DMSTAG objects have vertices (0D) and elements (1D).

  • 2-dimensional DMSTAG objects have vertices (0D), faces (1D), and elements (2D).

  • 3-dimensional DMSTAG objects have vertices (0D), edges (1D), faces (2D), and elements (3D).

This naming is reflected when viewing a DMSTAG object with DMView(), and in forming convenient options prefixes when creating a decomposition with DMCreateFieldDecomposition().

See Also#

DMSTAG: Staggered, Structured Grid, DM, DMPRODUCT, DMDA, DMPLEX, DMStagCreate1d(), DMStagCreate2d(), DMStagCreate3d(), DMType, DMCreate(), DMSetType(), DMStagVecSplitToDMDA()





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