
Get the PetscDS for a given mesh region, defined by a DMLabel


#include "petscdm.h"          
#include "petscdmlabel.h"     
#include "petscds.h"     
PetscErrorCode DMGetRegionDS(DM dm, DMLabel label, IS *fields, PetscDS *ds, PetscDS *dsIn)

Not Collective

Input Parameters#

  • dm - The DM

  • label - The DMLabel defining the mesh region, or NULL for the entire mesh

Output Parameters#

  • fields - The IS containing the DM field numbers for the fields in this PetscDS, or NULL

  • ds - The PetscDS defined on the given region, or NULL

  • dsIn - The PetscDS for input in the given region, or NULL


If a non-NULL label is given, but there is no PetscDS on that specific label, the PetscDS for the full domain (if present) is returned. Returns with fields = NULL and ds = NULL if there is no PetscDS for the full domain.

See Also#

DM Basics, DM, DMGetRegionNumDS(), DMSetRegionDS(), DMGetDS(), DMGetCellDS()





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