.. _integrator_table: ============================================== Summary of Time Integrators Available In PETSc ============================================== .. list-table:: Time integration schemes :name: tab_TSPET :header-rows: 1 * - TS Name - Reference - Class - Type - Order * - euler - forward Euler - one-step - explicit - :math:`1` * - ssp - multistage SSP :cite:`Ketcheson_2008` - Runge-Kutta - explicit - :math:`\le 4` * - rk* - multiscale - Runge-Kutta - explicit - :math:`\ge 1` * - beuler - backward Euler - one-step - implicit - :math:`1` * - cn - Crank-Nicolson - one-step - implicit - :math:`2` * - theta* - theta-method - one-step - implicit - :math:`\le 2` * - alpha - alpha-method :cite:`Jansen_2000` - one-step - implicit - :math:`2` * - gl - general linear :cite:`Butcher_2007` - multistep-multistage - implicit - :math:`\le 3` * - eimex - extrapolated IMEX :cite:`Constantinescu_A2010a` - one-step - IMEX - :math:`\ge 1`, adaptive * - arkimex - See :any:`tab_IMEX_RK_PETSc` - IMEX Runge-Kutta - IMEX - :math:`1-5` * - rosw - See :any:`tab_IMEX_RosW_PETSc` - Rosenbrock-W - linearly implicit - :math:`1-4` * - glee - See :any:`tab_IMEX_GLEE_PETSc` - GL with global error - explicit and implicit - :math:`1-3` * - mprk - Multirate Partitioned Runge-Kutta - multirate - explicit - :math:`2-3` * - basicsymplectic - Basic symplectic integrator for separable Hamiltonian - semi-implicit Euler and Velocity Verlet - explicit - :math:`1-2` * - irk - fully implicit Runge-Kutta - Gauss-Legrendre - implicit - :math:`2s` .. bibliography:: /petsc.bib :filter: docname in docnames