:orphan: # PetscViewerHDF5SetDefaultTimestepping Set the flag for default timestepping ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscviewerhdf5.h" PetscErrorCode PetscViewerHDF5SetDefaultTimestepping(PetscViewer viewer, PetscBool flg) ``` Logically Collective ## Input Parameters - ***viewer -*** the `PetscViewer`; if it is not `PETSCVIEWERHDF5` then this command is ignored - ***flg -*** if `PETSC_TRUE` we will assume that timestepping is on ## Options Database Key - ***-viewer_hdf5_default_timestepping -*** turns on (true) or off (false) default timestepping ## Note If the timestepping attribute is not found for an object, then the default timestepping is used ## See Also [](sec_viewers), `PETSCVIEWERHDF5`, `PetscViewerHDF5GetDefaultTimestepping()`, `PetscViewerHDF5PushTimestepping()`, `PetscViewerHDF5GetTimestep()` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/sys/classes/viewer/impls/hdf5/hdf5v.c ## Implementations PetscViewerHDF5SetDefaultTimestepping_HDF5 in src/sys/classes/viewer/impls/hdf5/hdf5v.c
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