:orphan: # VecTaggerComputeBoxes If the tagged index set can be summarized as a list of boxes of values, returns that list, otherwise returns in listed `PETSC_FALSE` ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscvec.h" PetscErrorCode VecTaggerComputeBoxes(VecTagger tagger, Vec vec, PetscInt *numBoxes, VecTaggerBox **boxes, PetscBool *listed) ``` Collective on VecTagger ## Input Parameters - ***tagger -*** the `VecTagger` context - ***vec -*** the vec to tag ## Output Parameters - ***numBoxes -*** the number of boxes in the tag definition - ***boxes -*** a newly allocated list of boxes. This is a flat array of (BlockSize * `numBoxe`s) pairs that the user can free with `PetscFree()`. - ***listed -*** `PETSC_TRUE` if a list was created, pass in `NULL` if not needed ## Note A value is tagged if it is in any of the boxes, unless the tagger has been inverted (see `VecTaggerSetInvert()`/`VecTaggerGetInvert()`), in which case a value is tagged if it is in none of the boxes. ## See Also `VecTaggerComputeIS()`, `VecTagger`, `VecTaggerCreate()` ## Level advanced ## Location src/vec/vec/utils/tagger/interface/tagger.c ## Examples src/vec/vec/utils/tagger/tutorials/ex1.c
## Implementations VecTaggerComputeBoxes_Absolute in src/vec/vec/utils/tagger/impls/absolute.c
VecTaggerComputeBoxes_And in src/vec/vec/utils/tagger/impls/and.c
VecTaggerComputeBoxes_CDF in src/vec/vec/utils/tagger/impls/cdf.c
VecTaggerComputeBoxes_Or in src/vec/vec/utils/tagger/impls/or.c
VecTaggerComputeBoxes_Relative in src/vec/vec/utils/tagger/impls/relative.c
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