:orphan: # VecPointwiseMaxAbs Computes the component-wise maximum of the absolute values `w[i] = max(abs(x[i]), abs(y[i]))`. ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscvec.h" PetscErrorCode VecPointwiseMaxAbs(Vec w, Vec x, Vec y) ``` Logically Collective ## Input Parameters - ***x -*** the first input vector - ***y -*** the second input vector ## Output Parameter - ***w -*** the result ## Notes Any subset of the `x`, `y`, and `w` may be the same vector. ## See Also [](ch_vectors), `Vec`, `VecPointwiseDivide()`, `VecPointwiseMult()`, `VecPointwiseMin()`, `VecPointwiseMax()`, `VecMaxPointwiseDivide()` ## Level advanced ## Location src/vec/vec/interface/vector.c ## Implementations VecPointwiseMaxAbs_Seq in src/vec/vec/impls/seq/bvec2.c
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