:orphan: # VecGetValues Gets values from certain locations of a vector. Currently can only get values on the same processor on which they are owned ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscvec.h" PetscErrorCode VecGetValues(Vec x, PetscInt ni, const PetscInt ix[], PetscScalar y[]) ``` Not Collective ## Input Parameters - ***x -*** vector to get values from - ***ni -*** number of elements to get - ***ix -*** indices where to get them from (in global 1d numbering) ## Output Parameter - ***y -*** array of values ## Notes The user provides the allocated array y; it is NOT allocated in this routine `VecGetValues()` gets y[i] = x[ix[i]], for i=0,...,ni-1. `VecAssemblyBegin()` and `VecAssemblyEnd()` MUST be called before calling this if `VecSetValues()` or related routine has been called VecGetValues() uses 0-based indices in Fortran as well as in C. If you call `VecSetOption`(x, `VEC_IGNORE_NEGATIVE_INDICES`,`PETSC_TRUE`), negative indices may be passed in ix. These rows are simply ignored. ## See Also [](ch_vectors), `Vec`, `VecAssemblyBegin()`, `VecAssemblyEnd()`, `VecSetValues()` ## Level beginner ## Location src/vec/vec/interface/rvector.c ## Examples src/vec/vec/tutorials/ex2f.F90
## Implementations VecGetValues_MPI in src/vec/vec/impls/mpi/pdvec.c
VecGetValues_Seq in src/vec/vec/impls/seq/bvec2.c
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