:orphan: # VecCheckAssembled checks if values have been changed in the vector, by `VecSetValues()` or related routines, but it has not been assembled ## Synopsis ``` #include VecCheckAssembled(Vec v); ``` Not Collective ## Input Parameter - ***v -*** the vector to check ## Note After calls to `VecSetValues()` and related routines on must call ``VecAssemblyBegin()` and `VecAssemblyEnd()` before using the vector ## See Also [](ch_vectors), `Vec`, `VecSetValues()`, `VecAssemblyBegin()`, `VecAssemblyEnd()`, `MatAssemblyBegin()`, `MatAssemblyEnd()` ## Level developer ## Location include/petscvec.h --- [Edit on GitLab](https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc/-/edit/release/include/petscvec.h) [Index of all Vec routines](index.md) [Table of Contents for all manual pages](/manualpages/index.md) [Index of all manual pages](/manualpages/singleindex.md)