:orphan: # TaoSetConvergenceTest Sets the function that is to be used to test for convergence o fthe iterative minimization solution. The new convergence testing routine will replace Tao's default convergence test. ## Synopsis ``` #include "petsctao.h" PetscErrorCode TaoSetConvergenceTest(Tao tao, PetscErrorCode (*conv)(Tao, void *), void *ctx) ``` Logically Collective ## Input Parameters - ***tao -*** the `Tao` object - ***conv -*** the routine to test for convergence - ***ctx -*** [optional] context for private data for the convergence routine (may be `NULL`) ## Calling sequence of `conv` ```none PetscErrorCode conv(Tao tao, void *ctx) ``` - ***tao -*** the `Tao` object - ***ctx -*** [optional] convergence context ## Note The new convergence testing routine should call `TaoSetConvergedReason()`. ## See Also [](ch_tao), `Tao`, `TaoSolve()`, `TaoSetConvergedReason()`, `TaoGetSolutionStatus()`, `TaoGetTolerances()`, `TaoSetMonitor` ## Level advanced ## Location src/tao/interface/taosolver.c ## Examples src/tao/bound/tutorials/jbearing2.c
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