:orphan: # TAOADMM Alternating direction method of multipliers method fo solving linear problems with constraints. in a min_x f(x) + g(z) s.t. Ax+Bz=c. This algorithm employs two sub Tao solvers, of which type can be specified by the user. User need to provide ObjectiveAndGradient routine, and/or HessianRoutine for both subsolvers. Hessians can be given boolean flag determining whether they change with respect to a input vector. This can be set via TaoADMMSet{Misfit,Regularizer}HessianChangeStatus. Second subsolver does support TAOSHELL. It should be noted that L1-norm is used for objective value for TAOSHELL type. There is option to set regularizer option, and currently soft-threshold is implemented. For spectral penalty update, currently there are basic option and adaptive option. Constraint is set at Ax+Bz=c, and A and B can be set with TaoADMMSet{Misfit,Regularizer}ConstraintJacobian. c can be set with TaoADMMSetConstraintVectorRHS. The user can also provide regularizer weight for second subsolver. ## References - **** -*** Xu, Zheng and Figueiredo, Mario A. T. and Yuan, Xiaoming and Studer, Christoph and Goldstein, Tom "Adaptive Relaxed ADMM: Convergence Theory and Practical Implementation" The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), July, 2017. ## Options Database Keys - ***-tao_admm_regularizer_coefficient -*** regularizer constant (default 1.e-6) - ***-tao_admm_spectral_penalty -*** Constant for Augmented Lagrangian term (default 1.) - ***-tao_admm_relaxation_parameter -*** relaxation parameter for Z update (default 1.) - ***-tao_admm_tolerance_update_factor -*** ADMM dynamic tolerance update factor (default 1.e-12) - ***-tao_admm_spectral_penalty_update_factor -*** ADMM spectral penalty update curvature safeguard value (default 0.2) - ***-tao_admm_minimum_spectral_penalty -*** Set ADMM minimum spectral penalty (default 0) - ***-tao_admm_dual_update -*** Lagrangian dual update policy ("basic","adaptive","adaptive-relaxed") (default "basic") - ***-tao_admm_regularizer_type -*** ADMM regularizer update rule ("user","soft-threshold") (default "soft-threshold") ## See Also `TaoADMMSetMisfitHessianChangeStatus()`, `TaoADMMSetRegHessianChangeStatus()`, `TaoADMMGetSpectralPenalty()`, `TaoADMMGetMisfitSubsolver()`, `TaoADMMGetRegularizationSubsolver()`, `TaoADMMSetConstraintVectorRHS()`, `TaoADMMSetMinimumSpectralPenalty()`, `TaoADMMSetRegularizerCoefficient()`, `TaoADMMSetRegularizerConstraintJacobian()`, `TaoADMMSetMisfitConstraintJacobian()`, `TaoADMMSetMisfitObjectiveAndGradientRoutine()`, `TaoADMMSetMisfitHessianRoutine()`, `TaoADMMSetRegularizerObjectiveAndGradientRoutine()`, `TaoADMMSetRegularizerHessianRoutine()`, `TaoGetADMMParentTao()`, `TaoADMMGetDualVector()`, `TaoADMMSetRegularizerType()`, `TaoADMMGetRegularizerType()`, `TaoADMMSetUpdateType()`, `TaoADMMGetUpdateType()` ## Level beginner ## Location src/tao/constrained/impls/admm/admm.c ## Examples src/tao/constrained/tutorials/tomographyADMM.c
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