:orphan: # TSAlphaSetRadius sets the desired spectral radius of the method for `TSALPHA` (i.e. high-frequency numerical damping) ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscts.h" PetscErrorCode TSAlphaSetRadius(TS ts, PetscReal radius) ``` Logically Collective The algorithmic parameters \alpha_m and \alpha_f of the generalized-\alpha method can be computed in terms of a specified spectral radius \rho in [0,1] for infinite time step in order to ## control high-frequency numerical damping \alpha_m = 0.5*(3-\rho)/(1+\rho) \alpha_f = 1/(1+\rho) ## Input Parameters - ***ts -*** timestepping context - ***radius -*** the desired spectral radius ## Options Database Key - ***-ts_alpha_radius -*** set alpha radius ## See Also [](ch_ts), `TS`, `TSALPHA`, `TSAlphaSetParams()`, `TSAlphaGetParams()` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/ts/impls/implicit/alpha/alpha1.c ## Implementations TSAlphaSetRadius_Alpha in src/ts/impls/implicit/alpha/alpha1.c
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