# TSAlpha2GetParams
gets the algorithmic parameters for `TSALPHA2`
## Synopsis
#include "petscts.h"
PetscErrorCode TSAlpha2GetParams(TS ts, PetscReal *alpha_m, PetscReal *alpha_f, PetscReal *gamma, PetscReal *beta)
Not Collective
## Input Parameter
- ***ts -*** timestepping context
## Output Parameters
- ***alpha_m -*** algorithmic parameter
- ***alpha_f -*** algorithmic parameter
- ***gamma -*** algorithmic parameter
- ***beta -*** algorithmic parameter
## Note
Use of this function is normally only required to hack `TSALPHA2` to
use a modified integration scheme. Users should call
`TSAlpha2SetRadius()` to set the high-frequency damping (i.e. spectral
radius of the method) in order so select optimal values for these
## See Also
[](ch_ts), `TS`, `TSALPHA2`, `TSAlpha2SetRadius()`, `TSAlpha2SetParams()`
## Level
## Location
## Implementations
TSAlpha2GetParams_Alpha in src/ts/impls/implicit/alpha/alpha2.c
[Edit on GitLab](https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc/-/edit/release/src/ts/impls/implicit/alpha/alpha2.c)
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