:orphan: # PetscStrstr Locates first occurrence of string in another string ## Synopsis ``` static inline PetscErrorCode PetscStrstr(const char haystack[], const char needle[], char *tmp[]) ``` Not Collective, No Fortran Support ## Input Parameters - ***haystack -*** string to search - ***needle -*** string to find ## Output Parameter - ***tmp -*** location of `needle` within `haystack`, `NULL` if `needle` is not found ## See Also `PetscStrbeginswithwhich()`, `PetscStrendswith()`, `PetscStrtoupper`, `PetscStrtolower()`, `PetscStrrchr()`, `PetscStrchr()`, `PetscStrncmp()`, `PetscStrlen()`, `PetscStrcmp()` ## Level intermediate ## Location include/petscstring.h ## Examples src/snes/tutorials/ex47cu.cu
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