:orphan: # PetscStrncmp Compares two strings, up to a certain length ## Synopsis ``` static inline PetscErrorCode PetscStrncmp(const char a[], const char b[], size_t n, PetscBool *t) ``` Not Collective, No Fortran Support ## Input Parameters - ***a -*** pointer to first string - ***b -*** pointer to second string - ***n -*** length to compare up to ## Output Parameter - ***t -*** `PETSC_TRUE` if the two strings are equal, `PETSC_FALSE` otherwise ## Note If `n` is `0`, `t` is set to `PETSC_FALSE`. `a` and/or `b` may be `NULL` in this case. ## See Also `PetscStrgrt()`, `PetscStrcmp()`, `PetscStrcasecmp()` ## Level intermediate ## Location include/petscstring.h ## Examples src/dm/field/tutorials/ex1.c
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