:orphan: # PetscRandomGetValue Generates a random number. Call this after first calling `PetscRandomCreate()`. ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscsys.h" PetscErrorCode PetscRandomGetValue(PetscRandom r, PetscScalar *val) ``` Not Collective ## Input Parameter - ***r -*** the random number generator context ## Output Parameter - ***val -*** the value ## Notes Use `VecSetRandom()` to set the elements of a vector to random numbers. When PETSc is compiled for complex numbers this returns a complex number with random real and complex parts. Use `PetscRandomGetValueReal()` to get a random real number. To get a complex number with only a random real part, first call `PetscRandomSetInterval()` with a equal low and high imaginary part. Similarly to get a complex number with only a random imaginary part call `PetscRandomSetInterval()` with a equal low and high real part. ## Example of Usage ```none PetscRandomCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&r); PetscRandomGetValue(r,&value1); PetscRandomGetValue(r,&value2); PetscRandomGetValue(r,&value3); PetscRandomDestroy(&r); ``` ## See Also `PetscRandom`, `PetscRandomCreate()`, `PetscRandomDestroy()`, `VecSetRandom()`, `PetscRandomGetValueReal()`, `PetscRandomSetInterval()` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/sys/classes/random/interface/random.c ## Examples src/dm/field/tutorials/ex1.c
## Implementations PetscRandomGetValue_Rand in src/sys/classes/random/impls/rand/rand.c
PetscRandomGetValue_Rand48 in src/sys/classes/random/impls/rand48/rand48.c
PetscRandomGetValue_Rander48 in src/sys/classes/random/impls/rander48/rander48.c
PetscRandomGetValue_Random123 in src/sys/classes/random/impls/random123/random123.c
PetscRandomGetValue_Sprng in src/sys/classes/random/impls/sprng/sprng.c
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