:orphan: # PetscInitializeFortran Routine that should be called soon AFTER the call to `PetscInitialize()` if one is using a C main program that calls Fortran routines that in turn call PETSc routines. ## Synopsis ``` PetscErrorCode PetscInitializeFortran(void) ``` Collective on `PETSC_COMM_WORLD` ## Note `PetscInitializeFortran()` initializes some of the default viewers, communicators, etc. for use in the Fortran if a user's main program is written in C. `PetscInitializeFortran()` is NOT needed if a user's main program is written in Fortran; in this case, just calling `PetscInitialize()` in the main (Fortran) program is sufficient. ## See Also PetscInitialize() ## Level beginner ## Location src/sys/objects/ftn-custom/zstartf.c ## Examples src/vec/vec/tutorials/ex7.c
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