:orphan: # PetscGoogleDriveRefresh Get a new authorization token for accessing Google drive from PETSc from a refresh token ## Synopsis ``` PetscErrorCode PetscGoogleDriveRefresh(MPI_Comm comm, const char refresh_token[], char access_token[], size_t tokensize) ``` Not Collective, only the first process in the `MPI_Comm` does anything ## Input Parameters - ***comm -*** MPI communicator - ***refresh token -*** obtained with `PetscGoogleDriveAuthorize()`, if NULL PETSc will first look for one in the options data if not found it will call `PetscGoogleDriveAuthorize()` - ***tokensize -*** size of the output string access_token ## Output Parameter - ***access_token -*** token that can be passed to `PetscGoogleDriveUpload()` ## Options Database Key - ***-google_refresh_token XXX -*** where XXX was obtained from `PetscGoogleDriveAuthorize()` ## See Also `PetscURLShorten()`, `PetscGoogleDriveAuthorize()`, `PetscGoogleDriveUpload()` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/sys/webclient/google.c ## Examples src/sys/webclient/tutorials/googledriveupload.c
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