:orphan: # PetscFunctionListAdd Given a routine and a string id, saves that routine in the specified registry. ## Synopsis ``` #include PetscErrorCode PetscFunctionListAdd(PetscFunctionList *flist,const char name[],void (*fptr)(void)) ``` Not Collective ## Input Parameters - ***flist -*** pointer to function list object - ***name -*** string to identify routine - ***fptr -*** function pointer ## Notes To remove a registered routine, pass in a `NULL` `fptr`. Users who wish to register new classes for use by a particular PETSc component (e.g., `SNES`) should generally call the registration routine for that particular component (e.g., `SNESRegister()`) instead of calling `PetscFunctionListAdd()` directly. ## See Also `PetscFunctionListDestroy()`, `SNESRegister()`, `KSPRegister()`,`PetscFunctionListDuplicate()` `PCRegister()`, `TSRegister()`, `PetscFunctionList`, `PetscObjectComposeFunction()` ## Level developer ## Location src/sys/dll/reg.c ## Examples src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/ex74.c
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