:orphan: # PetscFileRetrieve Obtains a file from a URL or a compressed file and copies into local disk space as uncompressed. ## Synopsis ``` PetscErrorCode PetscFileRetrieve(MPI_Comm comm, const char url[], char localname[], size_t llen, PetscBool *found) ``` Collective ## Input Parameters - ***comm -*** processors accessing the file - ***url -*** name of file, including entire URL (with or without .gz) - ***llen -*** length of `localname` ## Output Parameters - ***localname -*** name of local copy of file - valid on only process zero - ***found -*** if found or retrieved the file - valid on all processes ## Note if the file already exists locally this function just returns without downloading it. ## Level developer ## Location src/sys/fileio/fretrieve.c ## Examples src/ts/tutorials/extchem.c
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