:orphan: # PetscFOpen Has the first process in the MPI communicator open a file; all others do nothing. ## Synopsis ``` PetscErrorCode PetscFOpen(MPI_Comm comm, const char name[], const char mode[], FILE **fp) ``` Logically Collective; No Fortran Support ## Input Parameters - ***comm -*** the MPI communicator - ***name -*** the filename - ***mode -*** the mode for `fopen()`, usually "w" ## Output Parameter - ***fp -*** the file pointer ## Note `NULL`, "stderr" or "stdout" may be passed in as the filename ## See Also `PetscFClose()`, `PetscSynchronizedFGets()`, `PetscSynchronizedPrintf()`, `PetscSynchronizedFlush()`, `PetscFPrintf()` ## Level developer ## Location src/sys/fileio/mpiuopen.c ## Examples src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/ex43.c
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