:orphan: # PetscCallBLAS Calls a BLAS or LAPACK routine and catches exceptions ## Synopsis ``` #include void PetscCallBLAS(char *name,routine) ``` Not Collective ## Input Parameters - ***name -*** string that gives the name of the function being called - ***routine -*** actual call to the routine including its arguments ## Developer Note This is so that when a BLAS/LAPACK routine results in a crash or corrupts memory, they get blamed instead of PETSc. ## See Also `PetscCall()`, `PetscStackPushNoCheck()`, `PetscStackPush()`, `PetscCallExternal()`, `PetscStackCallExternalVoid()` ## Level developer ## Location include/petscblaslapack.h ## Examples src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/ex59.c
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