:orphan: # PetscBarrier Blocks until this routine is executed by all processors owning the object `obj`. ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscsys.h" PetscErrorCode PetscBarrier(PetscObject obj) ``` ## Input Parameter - ***obj -*** PETSc object (`Mat`, `Vec`, `IS`, `SNES` etc...) The object must be cast with a (`PetscObject`). `NULL` can be used to indicate the barrier should be across `PETSC_COMM_WORLD` ## Developer Note This routine calls `MPI_Barrier()` with the communicator of the `PetscObject` ## Fortran Note You may pass `PETSC_NULL_VEC` or any other PETSc null object, such as `PETSC_NULL_MAT`, to indicate the barrier should be across `PETSC_COMM_WORLD`. You can also pass in any PETSc object, `Vec`, `Mat`, etc ## Level intermediate ## Location src/sys/utils/pbarrier.c ## Examples src/dm/tutorials/ex22.c
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