:orphan: # TSSetRHSHessianProduct Sets the function that computes the vector-Hessian-vector product. The Hessian is the second-order derivative of G (RHSFunction) w.r.t. the state variable. ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscts.h" PetscErrorCode TSSetRHSHessianProduct(TS ts, Vec *rhshp1, PetscErrorCode (*rhshessianproductfunc1)(TS, PetscReal, Vec, Vec *, Vec, Vec *, void *), Vec *rhshp2, PetscErrorCode (*rhshessianproductfunc2)(TS, PetscReal, Vec, Vec *, Vec, Vec *, void *), Vec *rhshp3, PetscErrorCode (*rhshessianproductfunc3)(TS, PetscReal, Vec, Vec *, Vec, Vec *, void *), Vec *rhshp4, PetscErrorCode (*rhshessianproductfunc4)(TS, PetscReal, Vec, Vec *, Vec, Vec *, void *), void *ctx) ``` Logically Collective ## Input Parameters - ***ts -*** `TS` context obtained from `TSCreate()` - ***rhshp1 -*** an array of vectors storing the result of vector-Hessian-vector product for G_UU - ***hessianproductfunc1 -*** vector-Hessian-vector product function for G_UU - ***rhshp2 -*** an array of vectors storing the result of vector-Hessian-vector product for G_UP - ***hessianproductfunc2 -*** vector-Hessian-vector product function for G_UP - ***rhshp3 -*** an array of vectors storing the result of vector-Hessian-vector product for G_PU - ***hessianproductfunc3 -*** vector-Hessian-vector product function for G_PU - ***rhshp4 -*** an array of vectors storing the result of vector-Hessian-vector product for G_PP - ***hessianproductfunc4 -*** vector-Hessian-vector product function for G_PP ## Calling sequence of `ihessianproductfunc` ```none PetscErrorCode rhshessianproductfunc(TS ts, PetscReal t, Vec U, Vec *Vl, Vec Vr, Vec *VHV, void *ctx); ``` - ***t -*** current timestep - ***U -*** input vector (current ODE solution) - ***Vl -*** an array of input vectors to be left-multiplied with the Hessian - ***Vr -*** input vector to be right-multiplied with the Hessian - ***VHV -*** an array of output vectors for vector-Hessian-vector product - ***ctx -*** [optional] user-defined function context ## Notes The first Hessian function and the working array are required. As an example to implement the callback functions, the second callback function calculates the vector-Hessian-vector product $ Vl_n^T*G_UP*Vr where the vector Vl_n (n-th element in the array Vl) and Vr are of size N and M respectively, and the Hessian G_UP is of size N x N x M. Each entry of G_UP corresponds to the derivative $ G_UP[i][j][k] = \frac{\partial^2 G[i]}{\partial U[j] \partial P[k]}. The result of the vector-Hessian-vector product for Vl_n needs to be stored in vector VHV_n with j-th entry being $ VHV_n[j] = \sum_i \sum_k {Vl_n[i] * G_UP[i][j][k] * Vr[k]} If the cost function is a scalar, there will be only one vector in Vl and VHV. ## See Also `TS`, `TSAdjoint` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/ts/interface/sensitivity/tssen.c ## Examples src/ts/tutorials/ex20opt_ic.c
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