# SNESNASMSetComputeFinalJacobian
Schedules the computation of the global and subdomain Jacobians upon convergence for the nonlinear additive Schwarz solver
## Synopsis
#include "petscsnes.h"
PetscErrorCode SNESNASMSetComputeFinalJacobian(SNES snes, PetscBool flg)
## Input Parameters
- ***snes -*** the SNES context
- ***flg -*** `PETSC_TRUE` to compute the Jacobians
## Notes
This is used almost exclusively in the implementation of `SNESASPIN`, where the converged subdomain and global Jacobian
is needed at each linear iteration.
## See Also
`SNESNASM`, `SNESNASMGetSubdomains()`
## Level
## Location
## Implementations
SNESNASMSetComputeFinalJacobian_NASM in src/snes/impls/nasm/nasm.c
[Edit on GitLab](https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc/-/edit/release/src/snes/impls/nasm/nasm.c)
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