:orphan: # SNESGetApplicationContext Gets the user-defined context for the nonlinear solvers set with `SNESGetApplicationContext()` or with `SNESSetComputeApplicationContext()` ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscsnes.h" PetscErrorCode SNESGetApplicationContext(SNES snes, void *usrP) ``` Not Collective ## Input Parameter - ***snes -*** `SNES` context ## Output Parameter - ***usrP -*** user context ## Fortran Note You must write a Fortran interface definition for this function that tells Fortran the Fortran derived data type that you are passing in as the ctx argument. ## See Also [](ch_snes), `SNESSetApplicationContext()` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/snes/interface/snes.c ## Examples src/snes/tutorials/ex58.c
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