:orphan: # MatCreateSNESMF Creates a matrix-free matrix context for use with a `SNES` solver. This matrix can be used as the Jacobian argument for the routine `SNESSetJacobian()`. See `MatCreateMFFD()` for details on how the finite difference computation is done. ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscsnes.h" #include "petscdm.h" PetscErrorCode MatCreateSNESMF(SNES snes, Mat *J) ``` Collective ## Input Parameters - ***snes -*** the `SNES` context ## Output Parameter - ***J -*** the matrix-free matrix which is of type `MATMFFD` ## Notes You can call `SNESSetJacobian()` with `MatMFFDComputeJacobian()` if you are using matrix and not a different preconditioner matrix If you wish to provide a different function to do differencing on to compute the matrix-free operator than that provided to `SNESSetFunction()` then call `MatMFFDSetFunction()` with your function after this call. The difference between this routine and `MatCreateMFFD()` is that this matrix automatically gets the current base vector from the `SNES` object and not from an explicit call to `MatMFFDSetBase()`. If `MatMFFDSetBase()` is ever called on jac then this routine will NO longer get the x from the `SNES` object and `MatMFFDSetBase()` must from that point on be used to change the base vector x. Using a different function for the differencing will not work if you are using non-linear left preconditioning. ## See Also `MATMFFD, `MatDestroy()`, `MatMFFDSetFunction()`, `MatMFFDSetFunctionError()`, `MatMFFDDSSetUmin()` `MatMFFDSetHHistory()`, `MatMFFDResetHHistory()`, `MatCreateMFFD()`, `MatMFFDGetH()`, `MatMFFDRegister()`, `MatMFFDComputeJacobian()`, `MatSNESMFSetReuseBase()`, `MatSNESMFGetReuseBase()` ## Level advanced ## Location src/snes/mf/snesmfj.c ## Examples src/ts/tutorials/ex15.c
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