:orphan: # PetscInfoGetFile Gets the `filename` and `FILE` pointer of the file where `PetscInfo()` prints to ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscsys.h" PetscErrorCode PetscInfoGetFile(char **filename, FILE **InfoFile) ``` Not Collective; No Fortran Support ## Output Parameters - ***filename -*** The name of the output file - ***InfoFile -*** The `FILE` pointer for the output file ## Note This routine allocates and copies the `filename` so that the `filename` survives `PetscInfoDestroy()`. The user is therefore responsible for freeing the allocated `filename` pointer afterwards. ## See Also [](sec_PetscInfo), `PetscInfo()`, `PetscInfoSetFile()`, `PetscInfoSetFromOptions()`, `PetscInfoDestroy()` ## Level advanced ## Location src/sys/info/verboseinfo.c ## Examples src/mat/tutorials/ex7.c
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