:orphan: # PetscSFReduceEnd end a reduction operation started with `PetscSFReduceBegin()` or `PetscSFReduceWithMemTypeBegin()` ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscsf.h" PetscErrorCode PetscSFReduceEnd(PetscSF sf, MPI_Datatype unit, const void *leafdata, void *rootdata, MPI_Op op) ``` Collective ## Input Parameters - ***sf -*** star forest - ***unit -*** data type - ***leafdata -*** values to reduce - ***op -*** reduction operation ## Output Parameter - ***rootdata -*** result of reduction of values from all leaves of each root ## See Also `PetscSF`, `PetscSFSetGraph()`, `PetscSFBcastEnd()`, `PetscSFReduceBegin()`, `PetscSFReduceWithMemTypeBegin()` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/vec/is/sf/interface/sf.c ## Examples src/vec/is/sf/tutorials/ex1.c
## Implementations PetscSFReduceEnd_Allgatherv in src/vec/is/sf/impls/basic/allgatherv/sfallgatherv.c
PetscSFReduceEnd_Basic in src/vec/is/sf/impls/basic/sfbasic.c
PetscSFReduceEnd_Window in src/vec/is/sf/impls/window/sfwindow.c
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