:orphan: # PetscSF PETSc object for setting up and managing the communication of certain entries of arrays and `Vec` between MPI ranks. ## Synopsis ``` typedef struct _p_PetscSF *PetscSF; ``` `PetscSF` uses the concept of star forests to indicate and determine the communication patterns concisely and efficiently. A star https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_(graph_theory) forest is simply a collection of trees of height 1. The leave nodes represent "ghost locations" for the root nodes. ## See Also `PetscSFCreate()`, `VecScatter`, `VecScatterCreate()` ## Level intermediate ## Location include/petscsftypes.h ## Examples src/vec/is/sf/tutorials/ex1.c
## Implementations _p_PetscSF in include/petsc/private/sfimpl.h
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