:orphan: # MatScaLAPACKSetBlockSizes Sets the block sizes to be used for the distribution of the `MATSCALAPACK` matrix ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscmat.h" PetscErrorCode MatScaLAPACKSetBlockSizes(Mat A, PetscInt mb, PetscInt nb) ``` Logically Collective ## Input Parameters - ***A -*** a `MATSCALAPACK` matrix - ***mb -*** the row block size - ***nb -*** the column block size ## Note This block size has a different meaning from the block size associated with `MatSetBlockSize()` used for sparse matrices ## See Also [](ch_matrices), `Mat`, `MATSCALAPACK`, `MatCreateScaLAPACK()`, `MatScaLAPACKGetBlockSizes()` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/mat/impls/scalapack/matscalapack.c ## Implementations MatScaLAPACKSetBlockSizes_ScaLAPACK in src/mat/impls/scalapack/matscalapack.c
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