:orphan: # MatProductSetType Sets a particular matrix-matrix product operation to be used to compute the values of the given matrix ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscmat.h" PetscErrorCode MatProductSetType(Mat mat, MatProductType productype) ``` Collective ## Input Parameters - ***mat -*** the matrix whose values are computed via a matrix-matrix product operation - ***productype -*** matrix product type, e.g., `MATPRODUCT_AB`,`MATPRODUCT_AtB`,`MATPRODUCT_ABt`,`MATPRODUCT_PtAP`,`MATPRODUCT_RARt`,`MATPRODUCT_ABC`, see `MatProductType` ## Note The small t represents the transpose operation. ## See Also [](ch_matrices), `MatProduct`, `Mat`, `MatProductCreate()`, `MatProductType`, `MatProductType`, `MATPRODUCT_AB`, `MATPRODUCT_AtB`, `MATPRODUCT_ABt`, `MATPRODUCT_PtAP`, `MATPRODUCT_RARt`, `MATPRODUCT_ABC` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/mat/interface/matproduct.c ## Examples src/tao/pde_constrained/tutorials/parabolic.c
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