:orphan: # MatPartitioning Object for managing the partitioning of a matrix or graph ## Synopsis ``` typedef struct _p_MatPartitioning *MatPartitioning; ``` ## Note There is also a `PetscPartitioner` object that provides the same functionality. It can utilize the `MatPartitioning` operations via `PetscPartitionerSetType`(p,`PETSCPARTITIONERMATPARTITIONING`) ## Developers Note It is an extra maintenance and documentation cost to have two objects with the same functionality. `PetscPartitioner` should be removed ## See Also [](ch_matrices), [](sec_graph), `Mat`, `MatPartitioningCreate()`, `MatPartitioningType`, `MatColoring`, `MatGetOrdering()`, `MatOrderingType`, `MatCoarsenType`, `MatCoarsenType` ## Level beginner ## Location include/petscmat.h ## Implementations _p_MatPartitioning in include/petsc/private/matimpl.h
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