:orphan: # MatMatMult Performs matrix-matrix multiplication C=A*B. ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscmat.h" PetscErrorCode MatMatMult(Mat A, Mat B, MatReuse scall, PetscReal fill, Mat *C) ``` Neighbor-wise Collective ## Input Parameters - ***A -*** the left matrix - ***B -*** the right matrix - ***scall -*** either `MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX` or `MAT_REUSE_MATRIX` - ***fill -*** expected fill as ratio of nnz(C)/(nnz(A) + nnz(B)), use `PETSC_DEFAULT` if you do not have a good estimate if the result is a dense matrix this is irrelevant ## Output Parameter - ***C -*** the product matrix ## Notes Unless scall is `MAT_REUSE_MATRIX` C will be created. `MAT_REUSE_MATRIX` can only be used if the matrices A and B have the same nonzero pattern as in the previous call and C was obtained from a previous call to this function with `MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX`. To determine the correct fill value, run with -info and search for the string "Fill ratio" to see the value actually needed. In the special case where matrix B (and hence C) are dense you can create the correctly sized matrix C yourself and then call this routine with `MAT_REUSE_MATRIX`, rather than first having `MatMatMult()` create it for you. You can NEVER do this if the matrix C is sparse. ## Example of Usage ```none MatProductCreate(A,B,NULL,&C); MatProductSetType(C,MATPRODUCT_AB); MatProductSymbolic(C); MatProductNumeric(C); // compute C=A * B MatProductReplaceMats(A1,B1,NULL,C); // compute C=A1 * B1 MatProductNumeric(C); MatProductReplaceMats(A2,NULL,NULL,C); // compute C=A2 * B1 MatProductNumeric(C); ``` ## See Also [](ch_matrices), `Mat`, `MatProductType`, `MATPRODUCT_AB`, `MatTransposeMatMult()`, `MatMatTransposeMult()`, `MatPtAP()`, `MatProductCreate()`, `MatProductSymbolic()`, `MatProductReplaceMats()`, `MatProductNumeric()` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/mat/interface/matrix.c ## Examples src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/ex27.c
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