:orphan: # MatMPIAdjCreateNonemptySubcommMat create the same `MATMPIADJ` matrix on a subcommunicator containing only processes owning a positive number of rows ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscmat.h" PetscErrorCode MatMPIAdjCreateNonemptySubcommMat(Mat A, Mat *B) ``` Collective ## Input Parameter - ***A -*** original `MATMPIADJ` matrix ## Output Parameter - ***B -*** matrix on subcommunicator, `NULL` on ranks that owned zero rows of `A` ## Note This function is mostly useful for internal use by mesh partitioning packages that require that every process owns at least one row. The matrix `B` should be destroyed with `MatDestroy()`. The arrays are not copied, so `B` should be destroyed before `A` is destroyed. ## See Also [](ch_matrices), `Mat`, `MATMPIADJ`, `MatCreateMPIAdj()` ## Level developer ## Location src/mat/impls/adj/mpi/mpiadj.c ## Implementations MatMPIAdjCreateNonemptySubcommMat_MPIAdj in src/mat/impls/adj/mpi/mpiadj.c
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