:orphan: # MatMFFDSetBase Sets the vector `U` at which matrix vector products of the Jacobian are computed for the `MATMFFD` matrix ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscmat.h" PetscErrorCode MatMFFDSetBase(Mat J, Vec U, Vec F) ``` Logically Collective ## Input Parameters - ***J -*** the `MATMFFD` matrix - ***U -*** the vector - ***F -*** (optional) vector that contains F(u) if it has been already computed ## Notes This is rarely used directly If `F` is provided then it is not recomputed. Otherwise the function is evaluated at the base point during the first `MatMult()` after each call to `MatMFFDSetBase()`. ## See Also [](ch_matrices), `Mat`, `MATMFFD`, `MatMult()`, `MatMFFDSetBase()` ## Level advanced ## Location src/mat/impls/mffd/mffd.c ## Examples src/snes/tutorials/ex22.c
## Implementations MatMFFDSetBase_MFFD in src/mat/impls/mffd/mffd.c
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