:orphan: # MatDensePlaceArray Allows one to replace the array in a `MATDENSE` matrix with an array provided by the user. This is useful to avoid copying an array into a matrix ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscmat.h" PetscErrorCode MatDensePlaceArray(Mat mat, const PetscScalar *array) ``` Not Collective ## Input Parameters - ***mat -*** the matrix - ***array -*** the array in column major order ## Note You can return to the original array with a call to `MatDenseResetArray()`. The user is responsible for freeing this array; it will not be freed when the matrix is destroyed. ## See Also [](ch_matrices), `Mat`, `MATDENSE`, `MatDenseGetArray()`, `MatDenseResetArray()`, `VecPlaceArray()`, `VecGetArray()`, `VecRestoreArray()`, `VecReplaceArray()`, `VecResetArray()`, `MatDenseReplaceArray()` ## Level developer ## Location src/mat/impls/dense/mpi/mpidense.c ## Implementations MatDensePlaceArray_MPIDense in src/mat/impls/dense/mpi/mpidense.c
MatDensePlaceArray_SeqDense in src/mat/impls/dense/seq/dense.c
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