# MatCreateH2OpusFromKernel
Creates a `MATH2OPUS` from a user-supplied kernel.
## Synopsis
PetscErrorCode MatCreateH2OpusFromKernel(MPI_Comm comm, PetscInt m, PetscInt n, PetscInt M, PetscInt N, PetscInt spacedim, const PetscReal coords[], PetscBool cdist, MatH2OpusKernel kernel, void *kernelctx, PetscReal eta, PetscInt leafsize, PetscInt basisord, Mat *nA)
## Input Parameters
- ***comm -*** MPI communicator
- ***m -*** number of local rows (or `PETSC_DECIDE` to have calculated if `M` is given)
- ***n -*** number of local columns (or `PETSC_DECIDE` to have calculated if `N` is given)
- ***M -*** number of global rows (or `PETSC_DETERMINE` to have calculated if `m` is given)
- ***N -*** number of global columns (or `PETSC_DETERMINE` to have calculated if `n` is given)
- ***spacedim -*** dimension of the space coordinates
- ***coords -*** coordinates of the points
- ***cdist -*** whether or not coordinates are distributed
- ***kernel -*** computational kernel (or `NULL`)
- ***kernelctx -*** kernel context
- ***eta -*** admissibility condition tolerance
- ***leafsize -*** leaf size in cluster tree
- ***basisord -*** approximation order for Chebychev interpolation of low-rank blocks
## Output Parameter
- ***nA -*** matrix
## Options Database Keys
- ***-mat_h2opus_leafsize <`PetscInt`> -*** Leaf size of cluster tree
- ***-mat_h2opus_eta <`PetscReal`> -*** Admissibility condition tolerance
- ***-mat_h2opus_order <`PetscInt`> -*** Chebychev approximation order
- ***-mat_h2opus_normsamples <`PetscInt`> -*** Maximum number of samples to be used when estimating norms
## See Also
[](ch_matrices), `Mat`, `MatCreate()`, `MATH2OPUS`, `MatCreateH2OpusFromMat()`
## Level
## Location
## Examples
[Edit on GitLab](https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc/-/edit/release/src/mat/impls/h2opus/cuda/math2opus.cu)
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