:orphan: # MATSUBMATRIX "submatrix" - A matrix type that represents a virtual submatrix of a matrix ## Developer Note The `MatType` is `MATSUBMATRIX` but the routines associated have `SubMatrixVirtual` in them, the `MatType` name should likely be changed to `MATSUBMATRIXVIRTUAL` ## See Also [](ch_matrices), `Mat`, `MatCreateSubMatrixVirtual()`, `MatCreateSubMatrixVirtual()`, `MatCreateSubMatrix()` ## Level advanced ## Location src/mat/impls/submat/submat.c --- [Edit on GitLab](https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc/-/edit/release/src/mat/impls/submat/submat.c) [Index of all Mat routines](index.md) [Table of Contents for all manual pages](/manualpages/index.md) [Index of all manual pages](/manualpages/singleindex.md)